Frequently asked puzzles in Interviews

1)There is a room with a door (closed) and three light bulbs. Outside the room, there are three switches, connected to the bulbs. You may manipulate the switches as you wish, but once you open the door you can't change them. Identify each switch with its bulb.

2)You've got someone working for you for seven days and a gold bar to pay them. The gold bar is segmented into seven connected pieces. You must give them a piece of gold at the end of every day. If you are only allowed to make two breaks in the gold bar, how do you pay your worker? Here you put one condition in front of the worker that he cannot spend any of the gold bars until he is fully paid.

3)Why is a manhole cover round?

4)If given a cake, a corner has been broken. How do u cut the rest into two equal parts?

5)What is the color of the bear when dropped from a height of 20 m and takes 2 seconds?


6)Can you make 120 with 5 Zeroes?

7)Numbers of Zero at the end of 100 !?

8)You have 4 jars of pills. Each pill is a certain weight ie 10 grams, except for contaminated pills contained in one jar, where each pill is weight 1 less than the original. How could you tell which jar had the contaminated pills in just one measurement?

9)How will you measure the height of a building when you are at the top of the building? And if you have a stone with you.

10)One train leaves A at 15mph heading for B. Another train leaves from B at 20mph heading for A on the same track. If a bee, flying at 25mph, leaves from A at the same time as the train and flies back and forth between the two trains until they collide, how far will the bee have traveled?

Check out the Youtube video of Most Common Interview puzzles

Though all the puzzles are very common I hope most of you know the answers to all the puzzles. But I will post some puzzles answers later. Till then keep trying.

You can see answers to the puzzles in the next post-Click Here

See some more Interesting Puzzles at Some common and most frequently asked puzzles in Interviews part-2

Also, Checkout Maths Puzzles

Also See Prisoners Black and white Hat puzzle , Mango-Apple Bag label puzzle


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