Program to reverse the words of string

This program is little bit modification to the previous post program.After reversing the letters of each words in a string when we call again the reverse function the words get reversed of the string.

void reverse(char *start, char *end);
void reversethewords(char *s)
  char *wordbegin = s;      //wordbegin and t are two pointer to the first character of string s
  char *t = s;            
  while( *t)
    if (*t == '\0')            // if reached at the end of the string reverse(swap) the first character and last and
    {                                                                                                                            so on.
      reverse(wordbegin, t-1);
    else if(*t == ' ')        // if encountered with space then reverse and make wordbegin=t+1 for the
    {                                                                                                                            next word
      reverse(wordbegin, t-1);
      wordbegin = t+1;
 reverse(s, t-1);       //Again calling reverse function to reverse the words

void reverse(char *start, char *end)
  char temp;
  while (start < end)
    temp = *start;
    *start++ = *end;
    *end-- = temp;

int main()
  char s[] = "I love this blog";
  printf("%s", s);

Output-"blog this love I"


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