
Showing posts from 2022

Decorators in Python

Decorators provide additional functionality to the functions without directly changing their definition of them. Basically, it takes the functions as an argument, adds functionality to them, and returns it.  Before diving deep into the concept of Decorators, let's first try to understand  What are functions in Python and what is an inner function? In Python everything is Objects, be it Class, Variables, and Functions . So functions are python first-class objects that can be used or passed as an argument. You can store the functions in variables, you can pass a function to another function as parameters, and you can also return the function from the function. Below is one simple example where we are treating functions as objects . def make_me_lowercase ( str ): return str .lower() print (make_me_lowercase( "HELLO World" )) copy_of_you = make_me_lowercase print (copy_of_you( "HELLO World" )) The output of the above calls for both the functio...

Top 10 SQL Interview Questions

In this post, we are going to provide the frequently asked SQL  interview questions and answers asked in Data Engineer Interviews . Interviewers usually go from asking fundamental SQL interview queries  to asking advanced SQL  queries. In this post, we are mostly going to discuss SQL interview questions for freshers. You should also be prepared to write some SQL interview questions involving multiple JOINs, CASE statements, and GROUP BY . The below questions are collected on the basis of personal experience in several Interviews with TOP IT companies. Want to become a Data Engineer? Check out below blog posts  1.  5 Key Skills Every Data Engineer needs in 2023 2.  How to prepare for Data Engineering Interviews 3.  Top 25 Data Engineer Questions 1. What is a Primary Key? A Primary key is a field or combination of fields that uniquely identify the records in the tables. The primary key column cannot be NULL or Empty. The primary key column should...

Top 25 Data Engineer Interview Questions

In my last post  How to prepare for Data Engineer Interviews  I wrote about how one can prepare for the Data Engineer Interviews and in this blog post I am going to provide the  Top 25 Basic   data engineer interview questions  asked frequently and its brief Answers. This is typically the first round of Interview where interviewer just want to access whether you are aware of basic concepts or not and therefore you don't need to explain it in detail. Just a single statement would be suffice. Lets get started A. Programming ( python interview questions for data engineer ) 1. What is the Static method in Python? Static methods are the methods which are bound to the  Class  rather than Class's Object. Thus, it can be called without creating objects of class. We can just call it using the reference of the class. Also, all the objects of the class shares only one copy of the static method. 2. What is a Decorator in Python? Decorators provide additional funct...