Answers to frequently asked puzzles in Interviews Part-2

Here I will give answers for the post Some common and frequently asked puzzles in Interviews II

1) It's Simple. You first need to think about how you will calculate the height of the room. You know your height can help you in calculating the room of height so what's left to add in your height to calculate the height of the room? It's the length of bulb wire hanging from the ceiling of the room. Now how to calculate the height of the bulb wire? You must have studied Simple harmonic motion in your +2. To calculate the approx time period a bulb is taking manually and then just apply the formula of the Time period of SHM to calculate the length of the bulb wire
                               T = 2*Pi*(L/G)^(1/2)
So now the height of the room is your height+Length of bulb wire

2) There will be 2 possibilities of finding out the correct button for the drinks
a) You inserted 5 rupees in the vending machine and then pressed the button of Milk. As the button is labeled incorrectly it will give you either Tea or coffee. Suppose its a Tea so now you know that the Milk labeled button is actually a Tea button. The remaining button is for Tea and Coffee. coffee cannot be coffee so it is milk and the button Tea is coffee
b) Suppose the milk button is Coffee. Now the remaining button is tea and coffee. The tea button cannot be tea so it will be milk and the coffee button will be Tea.
Thus in any of the cases you just have to spend minimum 5 rupees only

3) Tell the person to stop merry-go-round and get off

4) One. The last brick in 100th building

5) White. As all the windows have southern view that is possible only in North Pole so the Bear is Polar Bear

6) When guard went inside his hut for 5 minutes. The man started crossing the bridge. After reaching more then half way in 5 minutes, when it was time for Guard to come out he changed his direction towards the kimgdom. So guard thought he is coming from other kingdom and sent him back.

7) It will be 500 KM. As PUNJAB is 400 KM and INDORE is 900 KM. We can observe from both words PUNJAB and INDORE that the value of Vowels is 400 and value of consonants is -100. So JAMMU will be (A+U)=800 and (J+M+M)= -300.


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