
Showing posts from May, 2015

Creating basic Android app part-1

In this post we will learn how to make basic android app, for making android app you need below software 1) JDK (Java environment). you can check whether your system already has java environment by writing this command "javac -version" 2) Android Studio After installing the above things, you can proceed to create your own basic android app. Open Android Studio and create the new Android project , after you create the new project you will see the app folder, inside that you will find Java folder, res folder and so on. Now we will create the simple basic user interface for our android app. To create the user interface we need to write code inside activity_main.xml which is inside app->res->layout folder. Before we proceed to create a simple UI by writing code inside the xml we will first learn more about the UI layout and terms associated with it. we will first talk about View and ViewGroups The graphical user interface for an Android app is...