Program to reverse a linked list using recursion
I generally find Complex and confusing code on internet of reversing a linked list.So this is the simplest code of reversing a linked list using recursion. Algorithm :- 1)we will take the head node as first node and rest all nodes as rest node and recursively call the rest node again. 2)when we get the first node and rest node in the last call of recursion.we will make following first_node->next->next=first_node /* first next of next will be pointing to the first node */ first_node->next=NULL /*first next will be null.Thus we have reversed first and rest node */ 3) Finally when all the recursion call is over we will have reversed linked list. Program :- Its just a function of reversing a linked list void Reverselinkedlist (struct node **head) { struct node *first_node; struct node *rest_node; if(*head==NULL) return 0; first_node=*head; rest_node=first_node->next; if(rest_node==NULL) return 0; Reverselinkedlist(&rest_node); first_node->next->next=first_node; first_...